Sunday, June 21, 2009

Mash Up Articles

Desperation and luxury are mortal enemies. Fear and power do not peacefully coexist. It follows, then, that she who wishes to reach the most rarefied and potent ranks of fashion, whether in dealmaking or designing, must have a certain serenity. The rare talent is to wear ambition lightly, and to allow toughness to be taken for granted. Obama’s life and career suggest he has that talent—or at least that gift. He long ago decided that he had a chance to make something extraordinary of himself.This remarkable result went almost unnoticed outside the entertainment trade press. ...defying all pop’s laws of obsolescence, Obama’s restlessness is a quality that would lead him to conclude, again and again, that the time had come to make a take a chance, to aim higher...when others told him to wait his turn. Far more often than not, his timing has been right... a certain above-the-fray quality, with a thought that part of her life has been a deliberate attempt to not repeat mistakes. But having created some definitive design benchmarks, her next big idea was to broaden her recognition. ...he was “fairly practical” and “pretty mindful of wanting to forge alliances with people, even unexpected folks.” Yet he was also ambitious. ...her “planning, personal discipline and constant attention to detail” as models for all aspiring entrepreneurs.

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